Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's Fall Ya'll!

Well I survived the holiday weekend at work...thank goodness it's over! I am sooooo exhausted for being in heels on concrete floors & driving over 400 miles in 4 days! Craziness.

I just have to say that fall is my favorite season of the year! We always look forward to this time of the year because it means cooler weather & UGA football. Johny is a HUGE football fan & loves the Bulldawgs! We plan on heading to Athens this fall to tailgate with good friends & watch some good 'ole football. Fall also means our annual mountain trip which we decided over the weekend we have to start planning very soon! We have such busy schedules with football & weddings that planning a getaway can be tough...but no worries we will figure it out!

Please say a prayer for our sweet Mr. Dooley. He had to go to the vet today because he has a urinary tract infection. His doctor (who we LOVE) put him on an antibiotic for 10 days & if we don't see a change in the next few days he'll have to go back for further testing. We are hoping it's nothing more serious than a UTI & that he'll be back to normal in no time at all. On a side note...our little bundle of joy weighed in at a whopping 24 lbs today! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! This dog is going to eat us out of house & home! :) He takes after his mom & dad because we don't back away from the table at dinner time either! HAHA!

I hope ya'll have a great week & enjoy this beautiful weather!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I hope Mr. Dooley is doing better today friend! I am sorry he is so sick :(



About Me

Atlanta, Georgia, United States
My name is Kristin Ricks & I've been dating my now "husband" Johny for 6 years! We got married on March 27, 2010 & this blog is about our life as newlyweds! Enjoy!